
How to do light makeup at home. How to do makeup at home Simple beautiful makeup for every day

It is rare that a modern woman allows herself to appear in society without makeup. Of course, in the everyday version, this is a minimum of cosmetics: slightly accentuated eyes and lips, a light tone and a blush. After all makeup for every day should preserve the natural look of the face as much as possible, adding only a subtle touch of freshness and brightness.

Makeup for every day

Everyday make-up is a rather delicate issue. After all, it should look so organically as to become simply invisible to prying eyes. At the same time, it is designed to focus only on the natural beauty of a woman. And, probably, a conversation about such a delicate matter should start with typical mistakes in creating everyday makeup.

Many women sin by abusing tone, especially its quantity. But not always in the direction of excess: sometimes it is not enough. Of course, if the skin condition is good, then the minimum amount of foundation should be applied. But if the skin looks bad, then you need to use more tones. However, it is necessary to mainly mask places with obvious shortcomings, and not cover the face with tonalka like plaster.

A light tone, shaped eyebrows, a little mascara and lip gloss - and you will already feel more confident

As for the method of applying the product, it does not really matter: let it be a sponge, brush or just fingers, the main thing is to get the effect of the thinnest film even with fairly dense makeup. It is also important to be able to successfully choose a shade of tone. After all, by deliberately or mistakenly choosing a darker color in contrast with the whiteness of the skin of their own face, women get too noticeable makeup. And if on the face he is not very embarrassing, then the line that separates the white skin of the neck and the darkish tone of the face is very striking. Not only is it not very beautiful, but sometimes it looks like the face is just dirty with something. But the tone color must necessarily match the skin tone. So, if you, like most Slavic women, have a slightly pinkish skin color, then the shade of the tone for it should be selected in the same range, which requires only your attention.

It is important to be able to distinguish the effect obtained from two different types of powder: loose - fixes the cream, and compact powder gives a highly pigmented effect. And when it is applied to a base with a greasy texture, age spots appear on certain areas of the face. Choosing the type of powder is an important nuance that must be considered when creating a successful make-up.

Any makeup will look extremely bad on unkempt, painful skin. So you should start with a thorough daily facial skin care. All traditional procedures for cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing it are not empty fun, but extremely important actions. They will help not only to preserve the blooming appearance of the skin, but also to make everyday makeup a light painterly touch in a beautiful portrait, and not a greasy daub on sandpaper.

Women do it best eye makeup for every day. And if some women generally neglect this part of the make-up, considering the natural color of their eyelashes and eyelids to be quite saturated, then most of the fairer sex have to paint on the edging of their beautiful eyes. And over the years of daily training, this process is brought to automatism: shadows are applied with practiced movements, eyeliner is drawn and eyelashes are painted - and as a result, the eyes enlarge and acquire a soft sheen.

For everyday eye makeup, use shades of neutral shades.

Often, women apply moisturizer to the skin around the eyes, and then eye shadow, which leads to uneven application of makeup, eye shadow rolling and the effect of dirty eyelids. Even if for some reason you do not have enough time to wait until the cream is absorbed, you can lightly powder your eyelids before applying the shadows. By the way, subsequently the same powder on the eyelashes will make them much more lush and fluffy, and also prevent them from sticking together. But as for the eyeliner, then it requires jewelry accuracy of application, which is acquired after a certain training. Remember: an abundance of mascara with blue eyeliner looks pretty vulgar and rude.

Makeup for the impending century. Shape eyebrows and apply eye shadow base

Apply a neutral shade of shadow on the entire upper eyelid and draw an inter-lash line

Now you can draw a thicker arrow, but not too thick

Bring the lower eyelid to the middle with brown shadows

Day makeup for the impending century is ready

Particularly masterful should be quick makeup for every day when applying mascara. In order to avoid mistakes, in addition to accuracy in this process, one must learn to distinguish between types of carcasses. When applying lengthening mascara, you need to act like this: first apply powder, then the first layer of mascara, let it dry, then the second, pause to dry, and then the third layer. This mascara contains a lengthening component - fiber, which requires complete drying of the previous layer of cosmetics, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved.

In make-up for every day, it is not necessary to paint the eyes - it is enough just to emphasize their expressiveness with well-groomed eyebrows, brushing them with a thick brush. Also, if the eyebrows and eyelashes are too light, then they can be tinted and light shadows applied to the eyelids. And if an inferior dream affects the expression of your gaze, then your eyes must definitely be tinted. But only carefully, without much enthusiasm for rich shadows. In this case, it is quite justified to use body shadows that are applied to the upper eyelids. And the use of a high-quality and neatly blended corrector will help mask circles around the eyes and inner dark corners.

If you have beautiful expressive eyebrows, then it will be enough just to make up your eyelashes

It is also important to consider that depending on the level of illumination, the complexion also changes. Therefore, it is appropriate to enhance a gentle morning make-up for dinner with a small amount of color with rich notes. For example, you can revive the complexion with a darker colored powder with a light beige tone. And if in the morning the eyes were not tinted, then by noon it's time to do it. A light eyeliner near the lash line with a very thin, almost imperceptible arrow, the contours of which are important to blend evenly, will also be appropriate. And to emphasize the expressiveness of the look, mascara applied in a small amount to the tips of the cilia will help.

Light everyday options

Standard light makeup for every day can't do without lipstick. It should not be catchy, but only giving the lips a delicate natural shade. But first, you should even out the contours of the lips with a concealer, the color of which should be about half a tone lighter than the skin around the lips themselves. This will make your lips just perfect, even when using rich lipstick colors.

Apply a lip balm to the lips, then apply a white pencil in the center of the lips

Clearly define the borders of the lips

Blend the liner and apply a natural lip gloss

No need to resort to outdated methods such as edging the lips with a brown contour and mother-of-pearl lipstick. After all, given the texture of modern glosses and lipsticks, you can not use a pencil at all. Fans of this method of creating makeup can use a pencil, the color of which perfectly matches the shade of lipstick and the lips themselves. Moreover, a pencil of a lighter tone will soften the contours of the lips, while a darker one will emphasize them. You can choose what is more interesting and necessary for you.

Brunettes can use brighter lipstick, otherwise the lips will be completely lost against the background of other facial features.

And the last secret: after emphasizing the line of the lips with a pencil, you can powder it and apply lipstick. With such a powdered lip contour, lipstick will not spread for a long time. This method can be advised to ladies older than the “Balzac” age, but it is generally undesirable for young girls to use lip pencils. You should also not experiment by applying lipstick to the edges of the lips, because this results in the effect of a child's mouth smeared with candy.

Scarlett Johansson natural makeup

Exotic beauty Adriana Lima can do without makeup at all

Mila Kunis shows us a great daytime make-up

Most simple everyday makeup will look fresher if you add a little bit, just right, blush. On the skin of our compatriots, pink blush looks great, as well as a tan color. Well, brown blush will not allow women's skin to have a rested, glowing look from the inside, but on the contrary, they make the skin more oppressed, giving it an earthy tint. Therefore, it is important to consider that the use of a range of brown blushes can imperceptibly change the direction of makeup, and in an effort to appear younger and fresher, you can artificially age yourself.

1. Hide dark circles under the eyes 2. Do contouring

3. Hide minor imperfections 4. Apply blush

5. Base under shadows 6. Shadows

Today, the pace of life is extremely high, because of which there is often no time left for oneself. Despite this, women still find time for scrupulous personal care, careful makeup and following fashion trends. The latter can change significantly, but natural makeup will never lose its relevance. Thanks to the natural beauty and the absence of "war paint", the girl will look the most advantageous.

Advantages and Features

Many stylists talk about the demand for natural makeup among the fair sex. The reason for this is that this makeup is able to mask defects and emphasize all the advantages of a girl's appearance.

If done correctly, the face will shine with freshness and a healthy glow, because this version of the make-up is quite weightless, and it will not look like a layer of plaster on the face.

He is not conspicuous, and the woman wearing it looks the most natural, as a result of which even a small amount of makeup does not attract attention. Another important advantage is the fact that everyday make up does not require much time and skills, as it looks easy and inconspicuous.

This creates no makeup effect. For those who count every minute, it will be the best solution, since many, in a hurry to work or study, do not want to spend precious minutes creating an image.

That is why a light make-up is a great solution for such ladies.

With it, they can easily make themselves presentable without spending hours standing in front of a mirror. In addition, it often happens that when late, women do not always do beautiful makeup, which negatively affects the impression of them in general and their appearance in particular.

In order to learn how to properly perform this type of make-up, you need to familiarize yourself with some of its features. Some mistakenly believe that this type of makeup is the easiest.

However, his technique also needs to be learned, because you need to carefully select and apply cosmetics to create the effect of weightlessness.

It is provided by the right choice of palette and textures of decorative cosmetics. This is due to the type of appearance, shade of hair and eye color.

Green-eyed beauties

So, for those with green eyes it can be advised to carefully handle the color scheme, because if it is too bright, it will overlap their shade, so the emphasis will be shifted from the expressiveness of the look. For green-eyed women, a purple palette is perfect.

Starting from soft lavender and ending with dark deep indigo, which will look interesting on brunette girls.

However, speaking about everyday makeup, we note that it would be more appropriate to turn to delicate and airy colors, but if you still want to add a twist, you can use colored mascara, for example, purple: it will be dark enough to look strict, but at the same time playful.

brown eyes

Brown-eyed beauties Those who actively follow modern trends in the fashion sphere cannot do makeup without a gentle warm palette in the eyeshadow palette. Unsaturated, soft, peach tones are also recommended for girls when choosing lipstick.

If there is a desire to make the image more fatal, then everyday makeup is easily transformed by using deep wine tones in lipstick, the same solution is perfect for evening looks.

Berry shades are suitable for the fair sex, who have brown eyes and porcelain skin. This is interesting in combination with light golden shadows, which, on the one hand, look luxurious, and on the other hand, do not weigh down the image.

Blue, gray and blue eyes

Light everyday makeup for blue, gray and blue eyes somewhat ambiguous, because in some cases you can play on the contrast of colors, or vice versa - to emphasize the heavenly blue of the eyes.

To highlight a natural shade, you should turn to light, but cold shades, for example, pearl, cornflower blue or the so-called "niagara" color - play with this palette depending on your mood.

However, it is important not to get carried away with such a game, otherwise the image risks coming out bright, and in order to avoid this, use a traditional lipstick of a natural range, preferably matte.

It is important to note that everyday images are not limited to using an eyeshadow palette, it can be replaced by a pencil and eyeliner - the main thing is not to overdo it with eyeliner and do not draw huge thick arrows for yourself. No, they are not bad at all, they just do not fit the concept of light makeup and a gentle look.

Since in this type of make-up a significant emphasis is placed on naturalness, it will be useful to make your face as healthy as possible, namely to get rid of rashes, redness and other imperfections. In this case, the process of creating makeup will be greatly simplified.

Perfect skin is the basis and guarantee of a natural look., so it needs to be made fresh, for this you need to monitor your diet, do not eat a lot of fat to prevent shine. Walks in the fresh air, especially outside the city, are necessary because they will help the skin to breathe, and sound sleep will allow the skin to rest and renew itself.

In addition, it is also important to perform daily care, that is, use various creams and products to maintain the balance of fluid in the skin, but you need to remember your skin type and act on the basis of your natural data. At least once every two weeks, it is worth doing peeling, after which nourishing masks. Another key aspect in the execution of everyday makeup is set of quality cosmetics and accessories.

It is not at all necessary to buy the most advanced and expensive brands, by no means - you just need to make sure that the composition of cosmetics is natural, and the chemical elements are as gentle as possible.

If your financial situation allows, pay attention to professional products that are the standard of quality, durability and safety. Thanks to them, the creation of makeup, even the most complex, will turn into a pleasure. An equally important aspect is the set of accessories used, namely brushes, sponges and applicators. It is they who will allow you to create a more sophisticated and somewhat even “salon” make-up.


There are no rules in the beauty industry every girl experiments when creating an image to one degree or another, because by adding only one detail, you can radically change the image. Therefore, we can safely say that there are countless options for creating makeup.

Everyday light make-up is quite quick and simple, but requires basic knowledge and skills, so it is suitable for teenage girls.

It can only be done by young ladies who are starting their journey in the beauty industry, with little experience and a wide arsenal of cosmetics. This daily natural makeup is also a great option for summer holidays, when there is neither much desire nor time to waste time applying complex fantasy make-up.

It is interesting that such a “make-up for every day” can be used for many evening and special events, for example, going to a birthday party in a cafe. To create a luxurious look, you need to complement the makeup with shadows of dark and deep shades.

The same appearance is also suitable for a date, but it is important to understand the circumstances under which it will take place. If it will be a carefree walk in the park, then it would be advisable to apply a light daytime make-up, presenting yourself in front of your chosen one in the most natural way.

On the other hand, if the event occurs in the evening and under more pompous conditions, for example, there will be dinner in a restaurant, it is necessary to beat and diversify the natural image, adding a fatal touch to it.

How to choose cosmetics?

Based on the above, it has already become clear that high-quality cosmetics are the key to truly beautiful makeup. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the selection of decorative products. First of all, the correct selection requires a color scheme. Since everyday makeup involves going to work or school, the palette should be as soft as possible.

It can also be pale pink, delicate lavender, or sky blue or muted green. It is not so much the colors themselves that are especially important, but the ability to combine them correctly, in this the textures and consistency of the products play an important role. Be sure to remember that pearlescent products will look tasteless, creating a mixed effect in makeup. It will be out of place in a gentle way.

With regards to the shadows, let's say that ideally they should be crumbly, because they blend best. Good shading and no visible borders- a key point in this type of makeup, besides, it will ensure its transparency and naturalness.

The same is true for lip products: they should be of a soft shade, preferably nude or the so-called powdered rose color - although such lipsticks will not catch the eye, they will make the image as feminine and gentle as possible.

Girls should remember that in addition to the basic set in the form of lipsticks, shadows and eyeliners, you need to have many other cosmetic products with you.

It can be:

  • Cleansing tonic or micellar water. They will help to get rid of some skin defects, as well as maintain a healthy fluid balance in the skin.
  • Mattifying gel. It is perfect for those who suffer from oily skin, this tool can save the girl from unnecessary shine that appears on her face during the day. In addition, thanks to this product, makeup will not spread, which is especially important on hot days.
  • Special primer, which will act as the basis for the make-up. It can be replaced with a face cream suitable for your skin type. If you do not use this cosmetics, it is likely that the makeup is about to roll or clog into the pores.

Now it is worth paying attention to the principle of choosing decorative cosmetics, since its quality determines the level of makeup. So, the main tool in everyday light makeup is foundation. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to the lightest textures and coatings, such as CC cream. It is also good because it combines the two most important functions of the cream.

Not only tones and masks skin imperfections, but also provides complete skin care. It must be chosen based on the type of skin and its natural shade.

Concealer is another concealer., which is indispensable for getting rid of such obvious imperfections as redness or the so-called "bruises" under the eyes. There are many types and colors of this tool - they all have their own purpose, for example, blue and green will help eliminate age spots and redness, pink will help remove purple circles and swelling around the eyes.

When choosing shadows, consider the range of products: it is better to buy an eyeshadow palette that will feature maximum number of shades. There are sets of 28 and 56 colors, but they are designed for professionals, so you should opt for the best options in the form of 9-12 shades. In addition, you need to remember that the wider the color gamut, the more freedom and opportunities for experimentation there are.

The palette must contain gradations both in temperature and in saturation.

Keep in mind that this rule doesn't work with a pencil. For blondes, we recommend avoiding black eyeliners, as they will create dissonance with the hair color, so it is better to turn to brown shades that will not look too harsh on the face. This principle should be guided by the choice of a pencil or lipstick for eyebrows: they should either match the hair, or one shade darker.

Eye makeup is simply unthinkable without mascara, because they play a big role in building the image: they can open up the look or make it downcast. So, you need to focus on what result you want: it can be lengthening, adding volume, rich color, or separated eyelashes without lumps. Traditionally, girls buy black mascara, which looks strict and versatile. It is also suitable for light makeup, so it is better to forget about blue or red shades when choosing mascara.

Lipstick will help complement the image, so its choice must be approached sensibly.

The classic option is the coating of natural colors, which will emphasize the beauty of the lips. The texture can be anything: pearly, glossy or matte - it remains at your own discretion, but the main thing is not to use a lot of shimmer. Finally, the last element is powder, it would be best if it has a crumbly structure, as it will fix the makeup without weighing it down and without making the face a mask. Having dealt with the necessary cosmetic products, you can proceed to the guide on creating a light make-up.

How to apply?

Now it's time to talk about the technique of correct everyday makeup. Performing it at home is not so difficult: just follow the step-by-step instructions and have a minimal set of cosmetics in front of you.

Step by step instructions for applying makeup:

  • First you need to cleanse the skin using tonic or micellar water and a cotton pad. So we can prepare the skin for the subsequent application of cosmetics. Here it is also possible to use a matting gel, which will allow the skin to become matte.
  • Next, primer is applied. or the most ordinary day face cream, thanks to which the skin will become velvety, and the cosmetics applied to these products will hold firm for a long period of time.
  • Identify skin imperfections and mask them using a multi-colored concealer, this will even out skin tone. Applied to problem areas, the product will make skin defects almost invisible. The ideal result can be achieved using a special cosmetic brush.
  • She can also use and when applying the main tone. If it is inconvenient to do this with a brush, then it is better to use a sponge that absorbs excess funds and at the same time evenly distributes the foundation over the skin, tightly “driving” it into the pores.
  • You can resort to the strobing technique, applying highlighter to the protruding and most illuminated parts of the face. This will refresh your face and give it a healthy glow. For owners of oily skin type, this technique is strictly prohibited, since it will only add greasy shine to the face, which will look unaesthetic.

  • To fix the tone you just need to powder your face with powder, especially in the T-zone, which is the fattest for all types of skin.
  • After that, select eyebrow line, for this you need to carefully comb them to style the hairs, then use special accessories: pencil, shadow or lipstick. First, highlight the bend of the eyebrow, then draw the contours, and then fill in the light areas with pigment.
  • To create a beautiful and elegant make-up eyes need to be painted with nude or pink shadows in the direction from the inner corner of the eye, where you need to put the lightest shade. Having received a smooth gradient transition, you can complement the image with a thin stroke of the eyes with a pencil, but this will make the make-up brighter. That is why for work or for school it is recommended to do light makeup without catchy black arrows.
  • One of the final chords in creating the image - mascara, which should lay on the eyelashes in a thin layer, without creating the effect of spider legs.
  • Giving up colored lipstick, easy to ennoble the image. However, this is typical for cases where the eye makeup is very rich, and for a neutral and pale eye make-up, you can use a more juicy, but still not flashy lipstick.

How to make light makeup at home, you can see in the next video.

Secrets of makeup artists

Since light makeup is always on trend, stylists don't stop sharing their tips and ideas about it.

Makeup tips are as follows:

  • The healthier the skin the less makeup you need to use. If the face is free from defects, then you can refuse the foundation, the owners of thick eyebrows and eyelashes may not tint them.
  • Summer and spring it is best to turn to light shades and weightless textures that allow the skin to breathe.
  • Primarily make-up should be done in stages, proceed to the next step when the previous one is completed. This way you can avoid the most common makeup mistakes.
  • Such makeup ideal for outdoor or studio photography, but it is important to remember that on a fantasy shoot - for example, for Halloween, it will look pale. For a home environment, as well as a gothic party, light makeup is not suitable.
  • brown tones are not for everyone, so you should not abuse them. Before using them, analyze your color type.

Makeup artist tips on how to do makeup for every day can be seen in the next video.

Every day, all women and girls strive to look great. In addition to the fact that they pick up stylish clothes and shoes. Every morning they transform their face with an extensive range of cosmetics. Usually, the procedure for applying makeup takes a lot of time. Therefore, often, applying it at a fast pace, the result is awkward. Although every female representative strives to be irresistible every day. In this publication, we will tell you exactly how to create a beautiful light makeup at home.

The main secrets of the day make-up

You can look stunning every day with the help of cosmetics. They are able to hide any imperfections in the face area, and emphasize the natural beauty. Light makeup does not imply a large amount of cosmetics, you do not need to create a mask.

For its implementation, you need to spend a minimum of personal time. To make it really worthy, you need to take into account some rules. First of all, you need to keep your skin in excellent condition. That is, it should be clean, without pimples, redness, blackheads and age spots. It is desirable that there are no circles and bags under the eyes. In order for the skin to be so, it is necessary to monitor your diet, drink enough water, go outside more often and get enough sleep. Together with this, it is necessary to exfoliate the skin once a week, as well as apply masks. Also, do not forget about the cream of night and day action. The cream should be selected according to your skin type.

If there are pimples on the face that cannot be dealt with on your own, then you should definitely visit a specialist.
The basis for creating a beautiful and light make-up for every day, of course, is good quality cosmetics and tools. You need to choose them carefully, because the final result depends on them. That is, if finances allow you to acquire professional attributes, then you should stop at them.


To create a chic daytime look, you need to have the following cosmetics in your arsenal:

  • Cleansing tonic. It removes all the dirt from the skin well, and mattifies it.
  • Day cream or. They will help the products that will be applied after them to lie down perfectly. Therefore, they must be applied before the very beginning of the procedure.
  • Foundation. It is imperative that its consistency is liquid and light, and the shade exactly matches the skin tone. Moreover, it is wrong to choose it according to the color of the skin on the wrist, since it is lighter there than on the face. With it, you can easily hide imperfections.
  • concealer It is an indispensable item in every woman's makeup bag. They can mask dark circles under the eyes or acne.
  • Powder - able to ensure the durability of the make-up. To achieve this, you need to choose it with a crumbly texture. Moreover, it can get rid of the effect of weighting, while the skin will look natural.
  • Eyeliner, pencil. Their color must be selected based on the type of appearance. So, for example, blue-eyed girls, it is better to choose blue eyeliner.
  • Eyeshadow. With the help of them you can make beautiful and easy eye makeup. Moreover, a wide variety of palettes makes it possible to look different every day.
  • ink, it is chosen based on what result you want to see in the end. Increase eyelashes in volume or length, separate each eyelash, or maybe just make them expressive.
  • To adjust the eyebrows, you will need a pencil or shadow. Their shade must be chosen one tone darker than the hair.
  • Lip gloss or lipstick. They must be acquired in the same shade as their own curls. These accessories can be glossy, matte, pearlescent or even glittery.

The difference between evening and daytime

The words daytime and evening make-up speak for themselves. The first should be natural and easy. It is better to perform it in light, delicate colors. With such a make-up, you can go to the evening, to work or on a date. With its help, they mask the flaws on the skin of the face, and emphasize the natural beauty. When performing it, it is recommended to focus on only one area: the eyes or lips.

Juicy and bright colors are inherent in an evening or festive look. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can look vulgar. It is important that all tones are juicy and saturated. This is the only way to highlight the face in the dark. Glitter, rhinestones are often added to the festive make-up, false eyelashes are used. Here you can emphasize both the eyes and lips.

A little about tools

To make the face even, soft and pleasant, only one cosmetic is not enough. You will also need tools to apply it. With their help, quickly create a beautiful light make-up. How to do this, we will learn below, but first we will deal with the attributes.

  • Tweezers are needed to correct the shape of the eyebrows.
  • If you use a sponge, you can easily apply a tonal foundation.
  • Brushes made of natural and artificial pile will also come in handy. They distribute powder, blush, lip gloss, shadows. You also need a hard brush - a brush, it is good to comb your eyebrows.

These tools need to be taken care of. To prevent dust from collecting on these items, they must be stored in a special casing or container. This way they will stay clean longer. In addition, they need to be washed periodically.


Consider a step-by-step technique for independently performing beautiful and light makeup.

  1. First, you need to cleanse the skin of the face with a tonic, lotion or milk. Then you need to apply a cream or primer. They must be completely absorbed. Excess can be removed with a cotton pad. Now that the surface is ready, distribute the foundation with a brush or sponge. If any flaws are still visible, then you need to mask them with the help of a concealer. After that, you can start applying powder. Especially well it is necessary to powder the T zone, i.e. forehead, nose and chin. Then we devote time to the eyebrows. On their upper line, apply a little shadow or outline with a pencil, and blend with a brush.
  2. Now let's move on to the eyes. Initially, draw the arrows with a contour pencil. Its color must be chosen according to your type, we will talk about this below. The simplest make-up can be done with just one shade. It must be distributed over the entire moving eyelid. If you wish and have time, you can use two similar tones. The final touch in the make-up is mascara. She needs to paint in two layers. And with the second layer, take the hairs to the outer corner of the eye.
  3. We finish our make-up by applying lipstick. If the eyes are completely made up, then bright lipstick should be discarded. It is better to use lip gloss or colorless hygienic lipstick. In the case when the eyes are framed by a modest make-up, you can highlight the lips. Just not a very bright color.

Choose an image in accordance with the color type

For each girl, it is necessary to select makeup in accordance with their eye color, skin tone and hair color.

Let's talk about how to create a beautiful and easy image for a woman with blue eyes.

Shadows need to choose the following shades: beige, lilac or soft pink. Mascara: it is better to give preference to plum or blue shades. A pencil or eyeliner should also be used in a blue tone. To create a daytime make-up, you need to abandon the red, green and purple palette. They are best suited for an evening or holiday look. It is better to leave lips in a natural color - bright lipstick will be superfluous.

To get a beautiful light makeup for green eyes, you need to follow a few instructions.

We refuse black eyeliner, but it is permissible to cover eyelashes with this shade. To create a charming look, you need to make an arrow on the upper eyelid, using a dark green pencil or eyeliner. Shades of olive tone will give restraint to the make-up. Also, all shades of purple on green eyes will be wonderfully combined. If you use mascara of this tone, you can create an unusual image. When creating an evening make-up, you can experiment with shades of green, silver and blue palettes. Lips make up with lipstick of warm color.

Those with brown eyes are the luckiest

After all, they do not need to make great efforts to get a beautiful and light makeup. Nature has already rewarded them with an expressive and bright appearance. Therefore, for a more spectacular image, it remains to add a few touches. Bronze eye shadow, dark gray pencil and black eyelashes will perfectly emphasize the highlight of your appearance. Lipstick is better to choose a wine range, bright or berry tint. For the eyes, you can also use purple shadows. A palette of brick colors will give your look soreness, so it's best to forget about them.

If you follow all the tips, then the daily makeup of any woman will seem simple in the application technique and fast enough. One has only to decide which color palette is right for you.

It is important for any girl to be beautiful and well-groomed. One of the main components of such an image, in addition to clothes, accessories and hairstyles, is cosmetics. The most suitable makeup for beginners for every day is simple and natural, using basic products.

In order to perform makeup for beginners at home, you must follow the simple recommendations of professionals:

  1. It is necessary to have in your arsenal a foundation of two shades. Lighter for colder seasons, and darker for summer when the skin is tanned.
  2. Blush and powder should be applied with a fluffy brush, with a small amount of product on it. Since in the future it is easier to add funds than to remove its excess.
  3. For a daytime make-up, you should give preference to a blush with an average level of pigmentation, without sparkles.
  4. To give more volume to the eyelashes, you need to paint over them in an upward direction - you get an open, "doll" look. On the lower eyelashes, the product is applied in one thin layer.
  5. The use of peels, masks, scrubs will help to give the face softness, cleanse the keratinized cells of the dermis and pores. Beauticians recommend using them 2-3 times a week.
  6. It is important to use daily nourishing and moisturizing creams - both at night, to saturate the epithelium with the necessary elements, and during the day - as a base for makeup. The result will be an even color, narrowed pores, dullness and hydration of the skin of the face.

Necessary cosmetics

To perform simple makeup for beginners, you will need a basic set of decorative cosmetics:

  1. Products for cleansing the skin - milk, mousse, gel or tonic. They gently remove impurities, making the skin matte.
  2. Daily cream. Depending on the type of skin, you should choose nourishing, mattifying or moisturizing. The use of the product will help prepare the face for the subsequent application of cosmetics.
  3. tonal base. The tone should “merge” with the complexion as much as possible, without creating a “mask” effect.
  4. Powder - loose or compact. It will help fix the foundation, preventing it from “blurring”.
  5. Basic shadow palette. It is better that it has light and dark shades, allowing you to create both daytime and evening makeup.
  6. Eyeliner. It is better to choose products not dry, but more oily. They are easier to apply and blend.
  7. Means for correcting the eyebrow line - a pencil or special shadows. Experts recommend purchasing products a tone darker than the natural shade of the hair.
  8. Ink. Basic black. For experiments, you can buy blue or brown. Professional makeup artists advise beginners to lengthen or add volume to brasmatiks.

Important! One of the main rules of day makeup is to focus on one thing. For example, you can make a brighter make-up of the eyes or lips, but at the same time it’s not worth it.

Makeup step by step

Before you start applying decorative cosmetics, experts advise stocking up on cotton buds and discs, sponges. You will also need several brushes: thin for shadows, with a pointed end for eyeliner, beveled for blush and highlighter, fluffy for powder. A daytime makeup lesson for beginners is presented in a step-by-step instruction.


First, the skin of the face must be cleansed and moisturized. If necessary, you can apply a primer - a product (often silicone-based) evens out the texture of the skin, fills in wrinkles and pores, and hides imperfections. Foundation can be applied with a brush, sponge or fingers.

The tone application scheme conditionally includes 3 steps:

  1. Spot distribute a small amount of the product on the area of ​​the nose, forehead, chin and cheekbones.
  2. Smoothly distribute the cream in the direction from the center of the face to the hairline. The main thing is a good shading! There should be no visible boundaries between the skin and the cosmetic product.
  3. Sculpting (darkening and lightening certain areas of the face). The cheekbones, lower jaw line, temples are corrected with a dark color. Cheeks, bridge of the nose, center of the forehead and chin, upper lip are highlighted with a highlighter.

Important! Small rashes, pimples, circles under the eyes are masked with special correctors. They come in several types: green perfectly "hide" redness, purple - lighten dark circles, age spots.

In order to give the face freshness and relief, it is necessary to apply blush. Makeup artists give some advice:


Professionals in the beauty industry have repeatedly said that beautifully and correctly underlined eyebrows set the tone for all makeup. Therefore, their design is an important part of creating an image. Especially doing facial makeup for beginners.

Eyebrow correction scheme:

  1. It is necessary to comb the eyebrows with a brush.
  2. Starting from the inner corner and moving in the direction of growth, draw spaces between the hairs with a pencil.
  3. The tips of the brow arches should be painted over more intensively.
  4. Brush them again.
  5. Apply fixing transparent gel or wax.

The article "" describes in more detail the stages of execution.

Shading shading:

  1. Dip a slightly damp brush in the shadow and start drawing in the direction from the outer corner to the tip of the eyebrows.
  2. Comb them with a brush (you can even use an old mascara brush).
  3. Fix with gel or wax.

Important! Professionals advise beginners to use shadows to emphasize eyebrows. They are easier to apply and blend out faster. Stores sell kits that include one or more shades of shadows and fixing transparent wax.

You can get acquainted with eyebrow makeup for beginners by watching the video:


There are a few basic rules from makeup artists for applying eye makeup for beginners:

  1. First, a base is applied under the shadows. Its use will help to evenly distribute the shadows over the eyelid, preventing them from rolling.
  2. Makeup must be done with a special brush. It is also very important to shade the applied shadows well.
  3. To "open" the eye and make the make-up more expressive, you should use 2 shades of shadows (light - in the inner corner of the eye and a little under the eyebrow, dark - in the outer corner).
  4. To give the eyelashes additional density, the space between the eyelashes can be painted over with a black pencil.
  5. The final step is the application of mascara.


The final touch in everyday makeup is the design of the lips. In the daytime, it is better to use gloss, for an evening out - lipstick.

Application steps:

  1. Hygienic lipstick or balm will soften the lips, fill cracks. Thus, lipstick or gloss will lie more evenly, last longer.
  2. Drawing a contour with a pencil, the tone of which corresponds to the selected lipstick.
  3. Application of the cosmetic product itself. It is necessary to distribute one layer, lightly blot lips with a napkin, and apply another one.
  4. If you want to give volume to the lips, spread a little highlighter in the center of the upper and lower lips.

Despite the fact that daytime makeup looks much simpler than evening makeup, it needs to be given more attention. Firstly, all errors will be visible to the naked eye, so accuracy is extremely important here. Secondly, daytime makeup is the calling card of a girl. You need to choose the best make-up variation to be flawless every day.

There are many techniques for creating a light daily make-up. Pay attention to the most fashionable and relevant and choose for yourself what will highlight the natural splendor of the face.

This is by no means a ban, but only under two conditions. First, the lipstick will be applied very carefully. No smeared corners and “floating” lines above the upper lip - everything is clear and even.

Condition number two - give your eyes a minimum of attention. Do just something that emphasizes them a little. It is not worth categorically refusing eye make-up products. You don't want sponges to distract all attention, making your appearance faded, do you? If not, then at least apply mascara.

The choice of lipstick for daytime makeup is a responsible matter. You can be guided by any features of appearance, but it is better to take into account the color of the eyes.

The tablet has tips for owners of eyes of various tones.

And here is a good makeup option with bright lipstick for any eye color. In addition to the lip product, you need a classic charcoal mascara, a lip pencil, brown slightly pearlescent shadows and a matte pigment with an ivory tone. You can take either light brown blush, or powder, which is three tones darker than natural. The method of applying all of the above means is in front of you:

  1. Apply a pale matte pigment to the moving part of the eyelids.
  2. We draw a line with dark mother-of-pearl shadows from the middle of the crease of the upper eyelid to the outer corner.
  3. We paint with mother-of-pearl dark shadows of the eyelid below so that the line connects with the outer corner on the upper eyelid. We apply ink.
  4. Blush emphasizes only the natural lines of the cheekbones, without going beyond.
  5. We first select the lips with a pencil, and then draw a few stripes from the contours and shade them.
  6. Apply lipstick in one layer.

Choosing the best of the many shades of brown

Brown tones have long been recognized as classic day makeup. They go to everyone, you just need to choose the tone. As with the choice of lipstick, you should take into account the shade of the eyes.

It's easy to create a classic daytime look with shades of brown. Stock up on them, beige pigment, black pencil, black mascara, soft peach blush and natural shade shine.

Here is what the classic technique of applying brown shadows implies, as well as using other required means:

  1. We paint the entire moving area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid from above with a beige tint.
  2. We dip the brush in brown shadows and draw a line from the middle of the lower half of the upper eyelid, then raise it to the vernal corner and draw a crease.
  3. The lower eyelid is painted with a brown tone.
  4. With a black pencil, make a line under the lower eyelashes, without bringing it to the inner corner.
  5. We draw a very thin line above the upper eyelashes with a charcoal pencil.
  6. We paint with mascara only the cilia on top.
  7. We apply peach pigment on the apples of the cheeks, paint the lips with gloss without using a pencil.

This makeup option is suitable for creating the most delicate look. Despite the coldness of the shades, their combination looks neat and cute. Best of all, this option is suitable for pale-faced virgins with light eyes and hair.

As a means for the eyes, you should use matte snow-white and lilac shadows with a gray tint. You need a black liquid liner and separating mascara. The color of blush and gloss is cold pink.

Now take all the tools and do this:

  1. We paint absolutely the entire upper eyelid with white shadows, only the area under the eyebrow should be painted with very light movements.
  2. We frame the fold with a wide line with lilac shadows.
  3. Apply a thin layer of lilac shadows under the lower eyelashes.
  4. Using the liner, make a slightly thickened line above the eyelashes from above, use mascara.
  5. We apply cold pink blush with a wide, but loose line, use gloss.

Video - Makeup for every day

Summer day makeup in gold tones

Many shades cease to look good on the face when it acquires a delicate golden tone after being under the bright sun. There is a way out: make-up with the help of bronze and gold-colored products.

You will need three shades of shadows at once - light golden, golden coffee and dark coffee. Blush need rich and bronze. The lipstick color is warm and natural. Eyeliner is not required, but black mascara is indispensable.

You can decorate your face with golden tones like this:

  1. We take light golden shadows and draw a line from the bottom of the inner corner to the outer corner of the moving eyelid.
  2. Brown shadows frame the eyelid below and above, without affecting the mobile.
  3. We impose the darkest color on the crease in a straight line, not reaching the outer corner, after which we use mascara.
  4. We cover the prominent areas of the cheeks with blush, apply lipstick clearly along the contours.

Makeup "Barbie"

Doll make-up does not always mean berry-colored cheeks and huge eyelashes. It can be daytime, but its expressiveness will be more restrained.

For makeup, you will need pale pink and pearlescent white shadows, a thick charcoal liner and spectacular mascara. Lipstick color is doll pink. You will also need a white lip highlighter pencil. To enhance the beauty of pink accents, apply a light brown blush.

Instructions for creating a puppet image are simple:

  1. Color the upper eyelid from the eyelash growth line to the area just above the crease with pink shadows. It is better to use a feathering brush so that the line is light.
  2. Under the eyebrow we impose a snow-white pigment.
  3. With the help of a liner, we make a slightly wide line ending in a flirtatious arrow.
  4. We apply blush from the temporal region to the middle of the cheeks.
  5. With a highlighter pencil, highlight the middle of both the lower and upper lip.
  6. Apply lipstick on top of the highlighter.