
How to distinguish real chocolate from substitutes? Milk fats and substitutes What fat is added to chocolate.

Which chocolate is healthier?

First, let's look at the product range. Everyone knows that chocolate comes in several types:

Black or bitter chocolate;

Milk chocolate;

White chocolate.

But not everyone knows what the fundamental difference between these types is, except for color and taste, of course.

Dark chocolate contains the largest amount of crushed cocoa beans, which is why the taste acquires a characteristic bitterness, and the color of the chocolate is rich and dark. This type of chocolate is considered the healthiest for adults. It contains many antioxidants, which protect against premature aging. It will also help cope with fatigue and increase performance.

Milk chocolate is different in color from bitter chocolate and has a milder taste. This type of chocolate uses milk fat, which gives the product a more delicate taste. For this reason, this type of chocolate is most loved by children and is considered healthier for them. Can easily melt under the influence of temperature.

White chocolate contains no cocoa beans at all, which is why the color of the chocolate is so light. The base uses cocoa butter, which has no taste, but gives the chocolate a cocoa smell. Powdered sugar and milk powder are responsible for the taste. Melts very quickly when the temperature rises.

Milk and vegetable fat, as we already understood, is found in milk and white chocolate. It is also known that chocolate can contain three types of fats: cocoa butter, vegetable fat, and milk fat.

Any vegetable fats can be contained in chocolate, only in very minimal quantities, since they can form trans fats (trans isomers of fatty acids) during heat treatment. The presence of a large amount of vegetable fat can be easily determined, since such “chocolate” melts very poorly in the hands and on the tongue. These vegetable fats include coconut and palm oils. And if coconut oil has real benefits for the body, then palm oil only clogs it.

Milk fat in chocolate is used as a concentrate, which is obtained from high quality cow's milk. By adding milk fat to chocolate, the cocoa butter content is reduced and the product acquires a more delicate taste. Milk fat prevents the formation of plaque on dark chocolate, and in some cases it is even added in increased volume, replacing part of the cocoa butter.

Well, any chocolate contains sugar, which is the basis of the entire bar. In order not to just buy a sugar bar, you should read the ingredients.

To correctly read the composition of a product, pay attention to the arrangement of the elements - the ingredient in the largest quantity always comes first. Often, even if the package says “bitter chocolate”, sugar is listed first in the composition. Such a product cannot be called real dark chocolate.

Tomatoes are a product that contains many useful elements - a huge amount of vitamins, fiber, various micro and macro elements, in addition, tomato is an excellent antidepressant, as it contains serotonin

Chocolate is recognized as the most beloved and popular delicacy all over the world. Not only children, but also adults eat it with great pleasure. Absolutely everyone knows about it, since such sweetness is in first place for most sweet tooths. This is not at all surprising, given that it is not only tasty, but also healthy if it is real.

Composition and types of treats

There are several varieties of delicious delicacy, namely milk, dark and white chocolate. As for milk, it is quite light, it has a delicate and mild taste. Milk fat in chocolate of this type is present in a higher proportion than in all others. This is what gives it a delicate, subtle taste, making it very useful for children.

Dark chocolate contains quite a lot of cocoa beans, which is why it has a dark color and a predominantly bitter note. White contains no cocoa beans, which explains its creamy, very light shade. The main ingredient of white chocolate is cocoa butter, which has no taste, but has a bright and rich aroma. Ingredients: cocoa butter and powder, as well as grated cocoa, powdered or condensed milk. In addition, there are fats in chocolate - milk fat is often used, which is needed to completely or partially replace cocoa butter.

It is necessary to emphasize that any type of fat in a treat should be present in minimal quantities. This is explained by the fact that they have harmful properties, the production of fatty acids during heat treatment. When they accumulate in large quantities in the human body, a load on the functioning of the pancreas can be observed. After a certain period of time, this can cause the development of a dangerous disease, for example, diabetes. It is important to remember that trans isomers of acids provoke the development of oncology and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Of particular importance is milk fat, which has the form of a concentrated fatty milk product made from high-quality cow's milk. It has excellent quality. Milk fat is used in the production process, as it provides exquisite tenderness, melting taste and unsurpassed lightness of taste and aroma. When it is added, there is a reduction in cocoa butter consumption. Interestingly, dark and dark chocolate cannot contain milk fats!

Fasting and chocolate

Everyone knows that during fasting many foods are not allowed for consumption. In this case, a completely logical question arises: is it possible to eat chocolate and sweets made from it during Lent? Before you find out whether such a sweet can be eaten during Lent or not, you need to familiarize yourself with some important nuances.

Chocolate is included in the list of products that are eaten not to satisfy hunger, but for pleasure and enjoyment. Considering this circumstance, we can say that eating chocolate during fasting is prohibited. It is during fasting that a person must cleanse himself spiritually and abstain from pleasures. During this period, a person develops his own willpower. That is why, to the question, is it possible to eat chocolate during fasting, the answer will be negative. In such a situation, you may notice that cakes, cookies and pastries, waffles, marmalade, caramel and sweets are prohibited.

It is difficult to find a person who has not tried chocolate and does not love this delicacy. Therefore, almost everyone knows about this dessert. Almost everyone loves chocolate. It is not only consumed in its pure form, but also added to various confectionery products. Although there is an opinion that this delicacy is harmful. If milk fat is in chocolate? What is it, what is the benefit or harm from it? We will answer these and other questions in this article.


To understand whether chocolate is harmful or beneficial, you need to know its composition. We will talk about natural, not analogue. Natural dark chocolate should contain cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter and that’s it. Dry milk is added to dairy. This type of fat generally contains much more fat. It is this component that gives it a delicate taste.

Usually this chocolate is bought for children. But only cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder are added. They also began to supplement this sweetness with various fillers and flavorings in order to give the chocolate bar the desired taste and aroma.

But such a product is very expensive and not everyone can afford to produce or buy it. Therefore, there are many fakes in which milk fat can be found.


Milk fat in chocolate - what is it? Concentrated fatty milk product. What is it made from? From During the cooking process, this fat is added to the chocolate mixture. Then the favorite delicacy of many women turns out to be more tender and does not have such a bitter taste as black. And in this case, much less cocoa butter is added. This is done so as not to drown out the delicate taste of the chocolate bar.

Saturated fats are found in milk fats. The harm of the former to the human body has long been proven. Such fats increase cholesterol levels in the blood. It eventually begins to grow on the walls of blood vessels, blocking the passage of blood. And to the question of whether milk fat in chocolate is harmful, we can confidently answer yes.


But its substitutes, on the contrary, benefit the human body. After all, such fats contain a very pleasant smell, which is similar to the smell of butter. But the consistency of the resulting product has better qualities. It is the milk fat substitute that makes it possible to purchase goods at a lower price. These substitutes are suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. They are also good when used for those who suffer from high blood sugar. What about milk fats in chocolate? What are the benefits of them? Saturated fats are beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension. But just remember that you need to consume chocolate in small quantities.

In order for the body to function properly and normally, a person must consume a certain amount of saturated fat per day. After all, they are used to build cells. They also carry fatty microelements that the body needs. And the cholesterol contained in milk fat helps in the functioning of the human nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

All saturated fats entering the body with food should make up one third of all fats. The rest should be unsaturated. If this amount is maintained, then milk fat in chocolate will not cause harm to the body.


You should always remember that everything needs to be consumed within normal limits. It is already known that in milk chocolate the presence of milk fat is higher than in other types of delicacy. Therefore, you should not treat yourself to them often. After all, if you increase a person’s daily intake of saturated fat, you can increase your blood sugar levels. This will lead to diabetes. Based on recent studies conducted in the United States, it was found that consuming large amounts of saturated fat leads to type 2 diabetes.

But, in addition to this disease, milk fat in chocolate generally leads to the development of atherosclerosis in humans. As you understand, this is a fairly serious illness.

Milk fat in chocolate - what is it? We can say that these are the same saturated fats. Therefore, when eating them in large quantities, remember that they produce large amounts of cholesterol. It settles on the walls of blood vessels and prevents blood from flowing into the desired organ. Such blockages of the blood duct can lead to many serious consequences, even myocardial infarction.

Does it help you lose weight or not?

Interestingly, those who want to lose weight are often advised to eat foods that are low in fat. But based on research conducted in the United States, it is low-fat dairy products that are fueled with starch or sugar. These products do not help you lose weight.

On the contrary, they even promote weight gain. But those products that contain milk fats help you lose weight.

Now you know the answer to the question “Milk fat in chocolate - what is it?” These fats are mainly used in milk chocolate, which itself is high in calories. And those people who watch their weight should avoid such a sweet treat. After all, one hundred grams of milk chocolate contains more than 514 calories. If we talk about people suffering from high insulin levels, it is better to avoid milk chocolate. But black, which does not contain saturated fats, is even very healthy. But when choosing it, you need to pay special attention to the composition. There must be a minimum of eighty-five percent cocoa.

Choosing healthy chocolate

How to choose chocolate so as not to harm your health? This question is asked by every person who cannot live without this product. And in order to choose the right delicacy, you need to pay attention to the composition, where the first thing that should be indicated is grated cocoa, which is contained only in natural chocolate. If the composition says “cocoa powder,” this means that the product will be of lower quality.

Natural milk chocolate should not contain vegetable fats. They replace cocoa butter. When choosing the kind of chocolate that almost everyone prefers, it is important to look at the contents, where only cocoa butter and nothing else should be listed as fat. If other oils are written on the packaging, this indicates a low-quality product, and accordingly, the price will be lower. It is worth paying attention to the amount of cocoa content in chocolate.

Milk fat in chocolate. What is this, is it possible to give children a treat with this component?

The adult himself determines what is more suitable, but the child’s health must be monitored from birth.

Every parent should familiarize themselves with information about those products that are given to children, as well as people who have any health problems, especially the vascular system, and diabetics. If there are no contraindications, a child can eat a little of this delicacy with milk fat. Although it is better to choose chocolate without this component.


Now you know what milk fat is in chocolate and why it is added. In the article we also answered the question of whether this component is harmful. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Increasingly, Russian consumers on the shelves of grocery stores began to notice products with the abbreviation ZMZH - milk fat substitute. What it is? Some people are wary of new products, while others, on the contrary, prefer such products. They are especially popular among people who care about their health. Our article will discuss products containing ZMZH. Let’s try to answer the question of why milk fat substitute is harmful to the human body.


What does milk fat substitute mean? This is a mixture of several vegetable oils that are pre-purified and well processed. The production process is carried out under the influence of high temperature and using a catalyst. As a result of their interaction, olein is formed, which can replace milk fats.

For this purpose, traditional products are used: rapeseed, soybean, corn, etc. However, exotic varieties can also be used: palm, coconut, etc. Each component has an individual fatty acid composition. Therefore, the quality characteristics of the product depend on the choice of oil. That's what milk fat replacer is. The combination of components directly affects the properties of the product.

According to statistics, products containing milk fat substitute are regularly consumed by the adult population of the following countries: France - 7%, Spain - 9%, Italy - 15%, Germany - 18%.

Difference from natural product

Milk fat substitute - what is it? What are the similarities and differences between breast milk and natural milk fat? The products have different composition and quality characteristics. These indicators determine the extent of their use in some areas of the food industry. The properties of products can be visually analyzed using a table.

As can be seen from the table, products have different fat-acid balances. The composition of the milk fat substitute is stable and does not contain cholesterol, which in excess quantities can cause chronic pathologies in the human body. However, it has a high proportion of fatty acids. These indicators indicate that ZMZh is more nutritious than a natural product.

The melting point of the product is higher, which makes it possible to use it for the production of ice cream. It is able to retain flavor, aroma and texture for longer under a variety of conditions. Natural products quickly deteriorate and are a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. The shelf life of products containing PMF is longer. In addition, such products have a stable oxidative balance.

Reasons for production

Why did they start producing milk fat substitute? What is this from the point of view of a modern manufacturer? Why buy exotic polysynthetic oils to make traditional products? There are some reasons:

  1. Lactose intolerance. Some people cannot tolerate this component, which is included in dairy products. Chronic diseases of the food system are considered an additional condition in the development of such pathology. Component intolerance may develop with age. There are known cases of congenital pathology, which is associated with the absence of certain enzymes in the body.
  2. Compatibility. ZMZH is considered a product that can replace milk fats contained in natural products by 85%.
  3. High content of vitamins. Food products that contain milk fat are well supplied with vitamins A and E. According to the technical standard (GOST), the milk fat substitute contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the human body.
  4. Low calorie content. Experts allow products containing ZMZh to be used for hypertension and in cases of problems with excess weight. Healthy fats are perfectly absorbed and do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Biological value. Food products that contain ZMZh have a positive effect on the human body.
  6. Low cost. Nutritious, vitamin-rich products at an affordable price can save the population from hunger for a long time.
  7. No contraindications. Food products containing PMF do not cause allergic reactions in consumers.

According to the latest data, lactose intolerance is observed in the adult population: CIS - 19%, Europe - 39%, Africa - 80%, Asia - 95%. The closer people live to the equator, the more they suffer from this pathology.

Damage caused

Is milk fat substitute harmful? And what is this harm? Despite a number of advantages, there are some negative aspects that expose milk fat substitute. The harm of a product depends on the factors that make it dangerous for consumption:

  1. Recently, many myths have arisen about palm oil, which in excess amounts is considered a carcinogen and clogs the body with toxins. According to the RF Land Code No. 163, this product is prohibited for use in its pure form in Russia. ZMZh does not contain palm oil, but olein, which is safe for use. However, it is better not to use products that contain it in children's diets. The product helps remove calcium from the body.
  2. Harm is observed when products containing PMF are abused. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a restriction has been introduced on its permissible amount in products: no more than 50%. Experts recommend carefully reading the ingredients of the products. Excess fatty foods in the diet will not benefit the body. However, the same can be said about butter.

In what areas is it used?

ZMZh is used in the food industry to produce products that previously traditionally included milk fats. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, dairy products and baked goods. Their list can be continued again and again. For example, the following products contain it:

  • ice cream;
  • margarine;
  • pasta;
  • condensed milk;
  • chocolate products;
  • cheese products;
  • sour cream.

Importance in the commodity market

ZMZh recently appeared on store shelves, but has already gained popularity among nutritionists and people leading a healthy lifestyle. In developed European countries and the USA, the product has long been used and welcomed by ordinary people. The secret of its popularity lies in its availability, low cost and nutritional value.

The food industry is no longer directly dependent on the livestock industry. This allows you to increase the range and volume of products, which are no longer affected by seasonality and transportation conditions. The shelf life of products has increased. All this is of great importance for the Russian food industry and has a positive effect on the development of the industry.

But why is there so much talk around ZMZ? The reason is the lack of awareness of the population. Everything unknown seems dangerous. In addition, the media is creating fear. There are many unscrupulous manufacturers who deceive consumers.

Milk fat has a pure taste and smell; A slight taste of ghee is allowed. The consistency is dense and homogeneous. The color is uniform, from light yellow to yellow. In the molten state, transparent, without sediment. The fat content in it is no less than 99.8%, moisture no more than 0.2%.

Unlike ghee, when producing milk fat, lower melt processing temperatures, vacuuming and rapid cooling are used. Therefore, milk fat is devoid of the specific taste of ghee. It is widely used in the food industry, as well as for obtaining its fractions.

With slow cooling, milk fat hardens into fractions (groups) of glycerides. .The properties of individual fractions differ from those of whole milk fat. Fractions can be used in the manufacture of certain food products. Thus, low-melting fractions can be used as a fat base for children's and dietary dairy products, milk powder, medium-melting fractions can be used in the production of chocolate, ice cream, and butter for areas with hot climates. By adding certain fractions you can adjust the consistency of butter, increase its heat resistance, etc.

Alfa Laval produces production lines for the industrial fractionation of milk fat. The process involves crystallizing a melt of pure anhydrous milk fat, mixing it with an aqueous solution of surfactants, separating the mixture in a separator, washing with water and drying under vacuum.

Pure melted milk fat at a temperature of 45-50 ° C enters a tank for crystallization, where it is cooled to 20-24 ° C and kept for about 6 hours. To ensure flow, several such tanks are installed in the line. Towards the end of crystallization, surfactants are supplied to the containers in the form of an aqueous solution (the difference in surface tension between the crystals and the liquid fat is used). Next, the milk fat crystals are crushed, and the mixture is fed to the separator.

The mixture includes three phases: a light oily liquid, an intermediate phase of a solution of surfactants, and heavy suspended crystals, which complicates separation and requires special types of separators and double separation of the solid phase. After separation, the fractions are heated, washed with water and dried under vacuum. In this way, milk fat is separated into two fractions. A larger number of fractions can be obtained if, after separating the first crystallized phase, the liquid fraction is cooled and separated again. The number of fractions and separation temperature are determined by the physicochemical properties of the fractions,

The raw material for the production of milk fat is butter and cheese oil with a high-quality fat phase. The raw materials are melted in a melter at 50-55 °C. If butter obtained by converting high-fat cream is used as a raw material, the plasma is partially precipitated. If oil produced by the churning method is supplied to production, the product enters the heat exchanger as it melts. The raw oil melt is pasteurized at a temperature of 95°C without holding, which ensures the complete destruction of enzymes that can cause fat spoilage during storage. Then the hot melt is cleaned in a milk purifier from mechanical impurities and protein flakes and undergoes double separation.

If the raw oil had a high plasma content, separation is carried out in a mixture with hot water (1: 1). The fat content of the plasma after the first separation should not exceed 0.3%, and after the second - 0.15%. Separator productivity set to obtain a mass fraction of fat in the product of 99.4%.

After the second separation, the fat is processed in a vacuum deodorizer at a temperature of 80-90 °C and a residual pressure of 0.04-0.05 MPa. After such processing, the mass fraction of fat in the product is at least 99.8%. Then the fat is cooled in a closed flow to a temperature of 14-18 ° C and packaged in glass jars weighing 500 and 650 g, in tin jars - 4-8 kg and in monoliths of 26 kg - in cardboard boxes with a liner made of polymer material. Store only in monoliths at a temperature not exceeding 5 °C for no more than 12 months.

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